Locked Up

Imagine yourself being lethargic, then suddenly, you do let’s say, twenty push-ups and thirty sit-ups, one after the other. The feeling’s quite energetic and enthusiastic, makes you want to exercise more and more, trying to feel like that super buff guy that everyone just adores and likes, of course with the girls. But then, after a span of maybe one to two days, you’ll probably start to feel your arms and abdomen hurt like crap. And yes, it just gets better and better!

But I’m not really talking about physical exercise or going to gym here. No! I’m talking about something else, something probably worse than any physical sensation in your body. I’m talking about writer’s block.

In a person’s life, most especially a writer’s life, writer’s block is just like that moment in your life when you decided to go trekking somewhere, maybe in the canyons. You go wild, bicycling and running off like a wild monkey, until one moment, wherein you fall down in-between two rocks, and you can’t get out. You’re stuck forever.

You stare at the white document right in front of you, the cursor blinking. But fine, you don’t give up. You might not quit and try to escape it. You type whatever goes in your mind, maybe a faint memory of something you have done or experienced before. Wow! You might have even reached 700 words or so, but then you read it, and it seems fine. The next day, you give it to your closest friend, maybe a great writer as well, just like you. He says, “it’s fine, but it’s not a great one.” You’re probably saying in your head that you’ve worked your butt off this paper, and say out loud, “Yeah, this is just trash.” That’s just the first part of writer’s block. Don’t worry, it only happens to almost all of the writers.

Once you’ve gotten home, you trash your recent crappy essay. You open another white document, and the blinking cursor appears. You still can’t think of a great topic, so you tweet about it, maybe even post it on facebook saying, “can’t think of topic… writer’s block… sigh”! But then, you hit the showers to stress off and suddenly think of a so to speak, great idea. You go back to your computer and start typing as fast as you can, since you’re on a deadline. And then, you suddenly run out of ideas, checking the word count. Oh, 300 words… quite safe. But no, your essay this time sucks more.

You give up. The deadline is near. Suddenly, you decide to call it a day. But just before you go to bed, you thought of something. Good for you! Maybe this time, you’ve escaped the gatekeeper of hell. But sometimes, even without you knowing, he’ll be there watching your every move. Without warning, you’re already locked up in hell.

Published by


Xavier High School Student

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