The Irreversible Arrow

With the light of the new year, 2014 doesn’t seem to be that far to where we are today, 2015. Despite the month that has passed, one could easily notice a handful of changes in our surroundings, such as the peculiar weather. It is 26 degrees Celsius right now, quite cold for Manila weather, but don’t be too alarmed as it was probably 29 to 30 this afternoon. Global warming? Climate change? Who knows, and I don’t want to argue. What matters is that these changes are real.

Professor Brian Cox, in “Wonders of the Universe,” talked about the arrow of time, about how entropy always increases in our Universe, according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Anyone would probably agree that this is true, and it would seem odd if for instance, ice from mountain glaciers that had just fallen off would suddenly rise from the ground back to the mountain. That would be nice, but would be odd. We face these changes everyday, and there’s no going back.

The matter as to why these things occur is, again, not essential. One could easily begin arguing that these are all ____’s fault, that someone is clearly to blame, and that someone or some people, or even everyone is at fault. That, I guess, is the problem of us humans. We love to argue, but if we could just pause for a second, for a while, and think about the course of events in this world, what matters is the present and the future. The fact that we are here today calls for action. Sure, we can’t ever go back. We cannot reverse the arrow of time, but the fact that this is real, what are we going to do about it? We now face the challenge of what we are to do next? Well, as they say, “carpe diem”! Seize the day! We’ll never really find out unless we try, right?