
He left. So what? Why does everyone have to keep bothering me about the question whether or not I miss him? Sometimes, it gets really annoying because some of my friends try to rub it in my face. I know that he was quite a good friend, but it was his decision in leaving me, in leaving us.

He’s the Xavier student who always shows up in the newspaper for winning some international math competition. I was only able to meet him personally back in Grade 7, under the English GEMS class of our school director. Yes, he was already here in Xavier with us since the year 2000, when most of us in our batch entered Xavier School as nursery students, but due to the lack of my privilege, I only met him in the ninth year of my stay here.

During that year in Grade 7, we weren’t the closest of friends. We came from different sections and were only members of the same group, “Anton Chekov,” and nonetheless, we worked fine. Our group would even win during games, and I think that started the beginning of a friendship that would probably last. Once we entered High School, I was quite shocked that he’d been my classmate then, since we’ve never been in the same homeroom section before. Moreover, he became my seatmate.

Being seatmates isn’t usually bad. It usually deepens the friendship between people. When Brendon and I started the year as seatmates, the atmosphere was fine. We would talk and help each other out, when suddenly it became more of fighting and fighting each day. Although the fighting was just kept to a minimum, it sometimes led to personal arguments. And for some strange reason, we were seatmates again in our sophomore year. Amazing right? Well, we were quite the type of friends who fought occasionally, or even frequently. Things got worse since we were group mates in almost all our classes, but we were able to sought things out.

Only last May did I discover that he had decided to leave Xavier School to be somewhere else. At the time he told me the news himself, I was quite speechless and tried to virtually laugh. Of course I miss him, but it’s not the end of the world. He’s still alive, and he’ll be there, just some place else.

Heroes In My Book

Heroes In My Book
Essay (Mr. Legaspi)
Daniel Paul Cheng Uy H1-D #38
October 29, 2009

When your cat is stuck in the tree, ‘Who you gonna call?’ When your dog is lost on the street, again, ‘Who you gonna call?’ When I was little, a hero usually meant superheroes like Superman or Batman. Even Santa Claus was a hero in my book. Those were the days when heroes existed and life was simpler back then. When the need arises, we could always depend on these ‘heroes’ to get the job done. They would beat those bad guys and once again, the day is saved. However, life has its way of lowering expectations.

I realized that life was much more complex as life went on. There were problems that I needed to be solved and work that I needed to be finished. Superman never dropped by to help me by, nor did Batman. Even Santa Claus was not under my chimney. As a student, I struggled with all kinds of problems – sports, friends, peer pressure, and Math. As time went by, the problems though just got bigger and bigger. School taught me how to be an independent person, but I was only one man doing the job of one superhero. I could only do so much that even guys like me have to run home to mommy. Mom was always there, not Batman, not even Superman. She did not even ask for cookies and milk just to help me solve my problems. Later, she also taught me how to handle problems all by myself. She taught me how to deal with people, as well as, how to deal with myself. Eventually, I learned how to act so as to prevent problems from even existing. But of all the things she ever did, it was her love for me that made every action special. She may look like any typical mother, but she has the strength of Superman, the cunningness of Batman, and the heart of Santa Claus. She never fails to impart her strength to me. My mother never asked for anything in return. That, for me, is being a true hero.

I would not be surprised then that there are so many heroes around us doing things that we wish we could do. After all, who else would stay sleepless when we were sick? Who else would help us when we had difficulty with our homework or accompany us to the doctor or cook dinner? Isn’t that person our mothers? When I think about it, the very thing that makes someone a hero is the very human quality of compassion and sacrifice. I can say that my mother matches those qualities. I may still look to the sky to see Superman, I may still look in the caves to see Batman, I may still believe in Santa Claus, and they may all be heroes in my book, but my mother is on the top of that list.

How I Met Sheldon

How I Met Sheldon
by: Daniel Uy and Brendon Go
January 23, 2011
Sheldon: Excuse me mister, but I think you have taken my Virgin Cuba Libre… diet.
Barney: What?
Sheldon: My diet cola.
Barney: No, this is my gin.
Sheldon: Nooooo…., THIS is your gin.
Barney: There’s only one way to settle this… gulp… psshhh. Blech. You’re right, it is diet coke, you can have it.
Sheldon: Well, thank you for ruining my beverage.
Barney: Fine, lemme buy you another drink, pick anything you want.
Sheldon: Bartender… I’d like another diet coke.
Barney: Seriously. diet COKE?!?
Sheldon: What’s wrong with diet coke?
Barney: It’s diet coke! What’s NOT wrong with it? Yo! Bar-keep, two more vodkas… right here.
Sheldon: Vodka!?! I wouldn’t want to have anything to do with a distilled beverage composed primarily of water and ethanol. Besides, I promised my mom that I wouldn’t do drugs.
Barney: Com’on, don’t be such a pussy.
Sheldon: Well, soorry, I can’t go around wearing some nice suit doing whatever I want, I have… principles.
Barney: Wait, what did you say?
Sheldon: I said I have principles.
Barney: No the other part. Did you just compliment my suit?
Sheldon: It is a nice suit, I mean, I don’t like it that much, but I imagine the lower humanoids find it aesthetically pleasing.
Barney: … I like you. Let me make a call first… Hello… yes… Ted… yeah… yeah … I found someone better… Mhm… bye…see you on Thursday… yeah… bye …Oh Kay! Mr…???
Sheldon: Sheldon Cooper
Barney: Sheldon Cooper, what do you think about laser tag?
Sheldon: It’s an acceptable alternative to paintball.
Barney: So… what do you say to a round of alternative paintball?
Sheldon: Why sure. But, my memaw told me never to play with strangers.
Barney: The names Barney, Barney Stinson, and I’m going to make this night, unfor… wait for it.. gettable.
Sheldon: We’ll I guess now that I know your name that we aren’t strangers. But I must warn you, I can … “own” in paintball, what more this game without the balls… or the paint.
Barney: Oh, how I’d like to take you up in that… but, no. Were gonna be playing against a group of sad of ten-year-olds.
Sheldon: Doesn’t their whining and crying and pooping ruin the fun?
Barney: Oh, my friend, that whining and crying IS the fun!
Sheldon: Sure, why not? What’s life without whimsy!
Barney: Oh Yeah! That’s right, cry little boys, cry, Mwahahaha.
Sheldon: I see why you find this game fun, seeing the despair in others is just… hilarious.
Barney: Shel, can I call you Shel?
Sheldon: N-
Barney: Shel, I could use a man like you. Join me and we can become unstoppable.
Sheldon: NOOOO!!!
Barney: What! Whatayamean “NOOO!”?
Sheldon: No … you cannot call me Shel. Only the people allow can call me Shel, and you are not one of them.
Barney: So, “Shell-don” will you join me?
Sheldon: Join you where?
Barney: You know… be my wingman.
Sheldon: Your what now?
Barney: My wingman, my lookout, you know help me get laid.
Sheldon: That’s absurd! I am nobody’s wing…man.
Barney: Com’on, you look smart, the ladies trust smart. It’ll be legen… wait for it… dary!
Sheldon: Well, ex-cuse me! I am not just smart, I have a masters degree and TWO PhD’s
Barney: Okay… so will you do it?
Sheldon: Help you have coitus with the opposite sex? Sure, why not, this could be my chance of studying the theories I have on human courtship patterns
Barney: What theories?
Sheldon: I have quite a few actually… did you know that blond haired females are much more gullible than their brunette counterparts.
Barney: Hmmm , yes, I’ll keep that in mind…. So, will you do it?
Sheldon: Yes.
Barney: Alright! Hi 5.
Sheldon: Sorry, but I don’t know where that’s been.
Barney: Hottie, 3 o’clock
Sheldon: Actually, it’s more of two-forty-six
Barney: Whatever
Sheldon: So… how do I go about this ‘winging.’
Barney: Hmmm, I’ll stay here and look sad. While you go over there and tell her that I’m an astronaut.
Sheldon: You’re an astronaut?
Barney: N… Yes… yes I am.
Sheldon: Well, you should have told me sooner, I have a couple of complaints that I need to forward to NASA….wait, hold on… how is telling her your occupation going to help you?
Barney: Elementary my dear Sheldon, you tell her that I am depressed because my I launch in 36 hours and I will not have any human contact for 30 years.
Sheldon: Ok Be. Are. Be., that’s code for “be right back”
Sheldon: Done, I told her what you wanted me to tell her, now what?
Barney: Now you watch how the daddy does it.
Sheldon: I don’t understand. Why did she slap you…
Barney: I dunno, what did you tell her?
Sheldon: What you told me to tell her… that you were an astronaut in need of coitus.
Barney: You don’t TELL the girl I wanna have sex with her… GAH, I thought you were different Sheldon… you disappoint me. I’m sorry to say this but FRIENDSHIP OVER!
Barney: Hello… yeah, Ted… oh Robin, yeah I can hold… … …Hello Ted, yeah. Good news, you’re my wingman again.
Sheldon: Mr. Bar Keeper sir, could I borrow a phone, I need to call for my ride.

Maîtres du Temps

Maîtres du Temps


In the past, I was an awful writer. I sucked. But then, through English GEMS class under Fr. Johnny Go, SJ, my writing improved. I had a sense of how writing could be like. But then again, it wasn’t enough. Through Mr. EJ Legaspi’s class, I was able to enhance more my writing skills, until I came upon to be part of the H2 English Advanced Class under Mr. Adrian Dy. My eyes literally opened.
Being part of an advanced class is something different, but being part of the H2 English Advanced Class is something new. It enables me to get out of my comfort zone, and step out of the box. If I was writing purely serious and emotional essays before, I now write a variety of essays in a complete array of moods and topics, and even styles. English Advanced 2 helped me experience a whole new level of writing, the true writing experience, writing about anything under the sky.
Unfortunate as it is, I did not apply for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. I know it is such a great opportunity as well to get out of more comfort zones, but I decided that since I have no plans at all to study at universities abroad, I should just go through the regular Xavier program, which is as good as the IBDP. Looking forward as an aspiring writer and artist, I plan to take everything that I have learned and grasped from Mr. Dy, my English teacher as well as the Stallion Moderator Head, to whatever I may be associated with in the future. I know I did not push through with the IBDP, and it’s sad. I didn’t have the courage to just go through with it, but I know that wherever I may be, or whatever I may pursue in, the important thing is that I have the spirit to excel, the spirit to be a crown for every achievement.

Stress Can Kill

At the time when Mr. Dy was asking us to write fiction stories using abstract characters, stress was already the first thing that popped into my mind.
Those few weeks were the busiest times of my life due to all the deadlines and stressful problems with group mates. That is why I decided to write about a character named “Stress.”
He does not only seem very cunning, but can really strike you hard, and may lead to your death.
I felt that this was one of my strongest works because looking back upon the pieces I have written, none of them is as unique as this – talking about stress and the reality of stress.
Well, of course if I had the chance to change it, I probably wouldn’t. Whatever I have written does not get altered, but rather, if I wanted to change it, I would have just written a new story with the same feel of stress, but having a whole new different set of characters and setting.
And, this piece acts as a message to everyone that stress can kill.

Stress Can Kill

In a city called “Stressville,” there were a total of 1563 citizens. The number never changed. There was a young boy named “Emerson Stress.” Everyone just called him “Emerson.” Since he grew up in Stressville, the city named after his great grand daddy, everyone, even his schoolteachers, was prepping him to take over as Mayor of Stressville City.

The thing about Emerson was that as he grew up and studied in Stressville Academy, he always hung out with Death Will, his best friend. The two enjoyed seeing people get lonely and depressed, and eventually die. This was Death’s influence on him, which made people walk away from them. This sadistic attitude bothered his parents, and it only ended when Emerson met Happiness, whom he came to love dearly. Happiness was his girl. It was such a small world that when Emerson had told his parents about Happiness, it seemed that their parents were very close friends. Ever since, it was as if their future had been set. As they reached 18, the church bells rang. Two years later, the horns of Stressville sounded when he became the mayor of that city.

“Mayor Stress! Mayor Stress!” everyone exulted.

“Remember, remember, on this 5th of November, any male 18 and above, who does not work or study 18 hours a day, will be captured and forced to work in Stress Jail.”

Now everyone knew what Stress Jail was like – smelly garbage, rotten food, and crooked villains. Everyone worked to avoid working in Stress Jail. Emerson followed his own rule and worked in Stress Hall for 18 hours a day, only coming home at the strike of ten in the evening. Slowly, Happiness was getting depressed. She didn’t have a husband to cuddle or talk to anymore. Everyone knew that Emerson’s best friend, Death, was always with him. In fact, Death was actually appointed as Emerson’s Vice Mayor, and was also responsible for the 5th of November Declaration of Stress. Whatever Death wanted Emerson to do, it was just by the flick of his finger.

The elderly started bleeding from their rectum. Children started having moles with edges that were blurry or jagged. This was said to be Cancer. Everyone in Stressville City was starting to get the disease. Everyone went to Dr. Who, the best doctor in Stressville, but he could not diagnose what was causing this dreadful disease. People were dying one after another. The number of citizens rapidly plunged from 1,563 to 555. It is striking to note that majority of those who were getting cancer were males, from the age group 18 and above.

“You know, Emerson, I want to have a child,” said Happiness one night as Mayor Stress came home.

“Of course, I want a child, Happiness, but I’m just too exhausted from work these days.”

After a few nights…

“Emerson, do you remember what we talked about the other night?”

“Oh please, I’m tired! Let me do what I want now, which is to lie in bed.”

Mayor Stress, being close to Death, told him about everything that night that Happiness wanted a child. Death suddenly said, “Emerson, this is good for you! Go and procreate! You need a successor for Stressville, don’t you? Tonight! When you go home, go and make love, fill the earth and subdue it!”

That night, Emerson and Happiness had the best night ever. Both of them had big smiles on their faces. They didn’t need someone to say “Let’s put a smile on that face!” It was as if the two were joyful newlyweds again.

But Cancer spread so rapidly in Stressville City, and so Mr. Stress had started getting eyebags, white hair, wrinkles on his face, but this had not yet affected Mrs. Stress, and so she had what she’d wanted for so long – a daughter named Joy, but having Joy did not in any way change Mayor Stress. He neglected his sweet young daughter since what he really wanted was a son, as advised by Death, which led Mrs. Stress to be in charge of Joy 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Slowly, Mrs. Stress got fatter. She began to get wrinkles and white hair. Her smile lines turned into frown lines.

After a few months, Health City got alarmed because Cancer in the capital of Life, where Stressville reigned, was widespread. It alarmed the country that the city of Stressville was shielded.

In the end, everyone pointed the finger at Mayor Stress. Sadly, no one ever placed the blame on his assistant – Death, for his handiwork was unseen but his influence, great. Soon, Mrs. Stress passed away due to Cancer.

Sadly, her death didn’t hit Mayor Stress at all. He had forgotten all about Joy, but Joy was able to manage on her own even until the age of 18. Thank goodness that she’d taken up after Happiness. She’d moved out of Stressville by then. A few months after, Cancer took the life of the man who was once known as Emerson. Mayor Stress had truly succumbed to Death. Death Will immediately took the mayoral seat of Stressville.

Up until now, Stressville still exists. It’s an infamous town where citizens go through their lives as if their only purpose were to move closer to Death. A monument of Mayor Stress still stands there. And that is where the saying, “Stress can kill” originated.

Illuminating the Path: A Crown for Every Achievement

I believe that this is quite self-explanatory. When this project was given, the research project, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme was being offered by Xavier School. I, at the time, had already rejected the idea, and was not pushing through with it.
In order for me to know more, I decided to do my research on the IBDP. I was very interested whether or not the IBDP would help students in college and in the future.
I felt that this is one of my strongest works because it persuaded me as well. After my research, I read my entire portfolio, and I thought that I myself should have joined the IBDP.
But as for my essay, I would not change anything at all. This piece, for me, is truly a crown for every achievement as it is.
It illuminates the path towards greater excellence.

A Crown for Every Achievement

While some people would opt for a Casio, others would anticipate a Rolex. In buying timepieces, there would always be the option to get the cheaper one, or the more expensive one for those with discriminating tastes. Both timepieces would tell the same time. The only difference is the components of the watch.
The same could be said of those who are deciding between the regular academic program and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. While the former is something every student is familiar with, the latter serves as a formidable option for the sophomores in Xavier. It is a program that poses an extra challenge on the students. We know that both the IBDP and the regular program would help students in their college life and life beyond, but in my perspective, the IBDP is something worth the squeeze.
Dr. Patricia Fioriello has listed several benefits of the IBDP. She said that graduates of the IBDP have higher university and college acceptance rates than other applicants. Graduates have increased opportunities of being granted scholarships and opportunities. The program also helps develop the students into international-minded individuals. In addition, a graduate of the IBDP leads to a cultivation of lifelong learning. Not only do the students develop, but the teachers are also expected to meet the demands of the students using IB strategies. This program trains students to release fear, and not be afraid of approaching unfamiliar situations and uncertainties. Students are taught to be independent-spirited, to explore new strategies, ideas, and roles, and to express and defend their beliefs. Aside from the education, culture is emphasized to enable students to understand and appreciate their own personal histories, and to be open to the perception, values, and traditions of other people. Moreover, the IBDP stresses not only the academics, cultures, and international orientation, but also develops several values and traits in the students that participate in the program. Although the regular program also promotes interculturalism, the IBDP is widely known for programs that are challenging and at the same time intercultural, centered on international education with exacting assessment standards. Students in the IBDP are not only exposed to their own culture, but are also encouraged to explore other cultures as well.
Something that sets the IBDP apart from the regular program is that while the standards of the regular program rely on Xavier School’s own, the IBDP assesses their students according to international benchmarks, thereby reducing cases of prejudice. In addition, the IBDP is universally known and accepted. The IBDP is a comprehensive pre-university course that demands the best and enables students to have a “feel” of college life. The IBDP graduates are also welcomed by the world’s leading universities. “As a student, whether you choose the challenge of the IB Diploma or take individual courses, you will find that the IB Program promotes curiosity and inquiry skills in order to foster a spirit of discovery and enjoyment of learning. It provides a solid foundation for future achievements.” (International Baccalaureate Program)
The IBDP and the regular Xavier program are like watches that tell time. Both give us the same results, but they work in very different ways. The IBDP, like a crown for every achievement1, would offer students a great education like the regular program, but it would function very differently. Like a Rolex, the IBDP would have complex jewel movements ensuring absolute accuracy in time and excellence that would last more than a lifetime. Of course, the Rolex would also give the privilege of showing off to others.
Philippine National Hero Jose Rizal once said, Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan (The youth is the hope of the nation). The basic foundation of children and youth is the education that they receive before college life. The youth is the hope of the nation, and in order to achieve a better tomorrow, children should be trained for anything that may come. Truly, the IBDP is one that can light the path to great ends. A crown for every achievement.

This House

Well, the story is quite simple, really. It’s a bit of a mixture between me and my sister. We both study really hard, and get high grades and all that. Since, she’s graduating high school, she had to apply in different colleges, and luckily, she got scholarships from different colleges.
Her acceptance and scholarships from the different colleges got me thinking into how certain people, especially females can work very very hard, go through prestigious schools and universities, but later on may end up a housewife or in a position lower than the expected outcome.
That was the very ironic thing that went through my head as the theme of irony was given for this piece.
Somehow, I believe that this is one of the best pieces I’ve written so far because it’s very simple, yet true in life. Sometimes, we may go through an I.B. program, maybe even to an Ivy League school, but later on, we may just end up as the housewife.

This House

I never thought that I’d be here right now. Sitting in this newly polished Oakwood chair, I feel as if I have all the power in this house. Pounding on the table and making something of those little pieces always makes me feel like I’m in control.
Back in middle school, I had no ambition. I was pleased to get a C or D, but you know what? I’m quite an achiever now. You could say “what?” or “how arrogant,” but it’s true. I have always been getting straight A+++ ever since. Well, back in Australia in my sophomore years in school, they introduced this new program – the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program or the IBDP. I’m sure you know this by now. It’s quite popular nowadays.
Back then, I dreamt to be the most powerful woman I could ever be. I hoped that I could be someone like Indra Nooyi or Sandra Day O’Connor. I wanted to make a change in the world, and I knew that I could.
In Concordia College, I was the alpha female, the top-notch. It was with much privilege and honor that I was able to undergo the IBDP. Through that program, I was able to learn so much about life. You see, the IBDP does not only give you a great education, it also gives you a great experience. I was able to help people, to be able to reach out to my classmates and to the less privileged in Australia. Well, I went to higher level Math, Physics, and Chemistry, so you most probably think that I went to medicine or engineering afterwards, but I didn’t.
I went to Harvard Law. By now, I’d suppose you know that my family is of the privileged class. And yes, I wanted to become the next Harriet Miers or Elizabeth Warren. Becoming a lawyer was my stepping-stone to becoming part of the High Court of Australia. I wanted to be Chief Justice, and even have that nameplate on my table saying “Chief Justice Elsa Jones.”
I’ll tell you this though, IB is one thing, but Harvard Law is a completely different subject we’re talking about. I did not only miss out on parties and special occasions at home, I also missed out on sleep. Well, eating, I could still manage. I’m what some would say, pretty hot for a “nerd,” having a twenty-eight inch waistline, in a five-foot-eight-tall body. Beautiful women are usually not taken seriously, but many have put a high premium on me because of an equally beautiful mind, they say.
On the other part of my studying career, you’re probably wondering whether or not I was ever socially inclined. Well, to tell you the truth, I wasn’t. Although I’m quite good-looking, I did not have any time at all to go out in pub nights or social clubs. Even back in Concordia, I was completely alone in corners studying or at the library.
Even though there were some well-built, handsome varsity guys in Harvard, I had to concentrate on my studies. Becoming Chief Justice doesn’t come that easy even though you have all the financial means or wits in the world. You need to give your blood, sweat, and tears, as Sir Winston Churchill would say.
I did have some male friends in Harvard though. But, I had this special friend, whom I always studied and discussed ideas with. Just like me, he was not from the U.S. He was from Spain, and his name was Danilo. Well, you could probably say that we did have a relationship, but most of it was through studying. Somehow, he made me feel as if I was the most important person in the entire universe; he made me feel special. He made my ideas matter, and I fell in love with him.
Now, falling in love shouldn’t ruin one’s career, even for a girl. That was a fact that I had always carried with me even throughout my younger years, but Danilo was something else. He was exceptional.
Am I the Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia now? I’ll tell you this. I don’t have a nameplate, but I do have a bumper sticker.
And it reads, “The Housewife.”

Elsa Jones is a woman who is bright, beautiful, and intelligent. She was the school valedictorian, getting straight A+++. She even went through IB and graduated from Harvard Law. She dreamt to be the next Sandra Day O’Connor, but met her dream boy instead, gave it all, and ended up to be a housewife.

Maîtres du Temps

Never did I see myself in this position right now. I used to think that taking pictures was all too easy. But you know, it all started with a Photography class.
As a twelve-year-old, I was just playing around with my dad’s Hawkeye. Who knew that I’d turn out to be a photographer? It all comes down to the element of time, pretty much like the art of photography. Awesomeness and greatness come only when you are in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. Luckily for me, that happened.
You might know me now as the famous David Doubilet, the underwater photographer. To be straightforward, I’m a man who wears a $10,000 watch, a $12,000 suit, and who drives a $500,000 car. Life is good, eh?
For the past 60 years, I have always been in search for new underwater adventure, being able to see different species of aquatic and marine animals like sharks, catfish, and even stingrays. Different new species and scenic spots caught on camera, yet to be discovered and unfolded. It is only a matter of time until we will be able to unravel them. They’ve been around for time immemorial, locked away in the deep dark waters since the past.
The past – it had always set me back. In order for me to take photographs, I had to make sure that my subjects and their respective backgrounds were all perfect, no distractions and no imperfections. Before I would take my photos, I had a long ritual. I would set up all the lighting and white backgrounds. I would spend time making sure that my tripod was at the exact angle and location I needed it to be. If and when I didn’t have the perfect settings I wanted, the photo shoot was off. I had to make sure that my photos would be magnificent, and they were. I was one of the top-photographers in my time, even until now of course. I photographed over 60 stories for the National Geographic Magazine. That’s why National Geographic publishes my photos and books, quite a number already.
You know, my audience and mentor always noticed and commented on something: I was a master of still life, always taking photos of objects of luxury for advertisements, bringing out the natural glamour in them for the world of consumerism. But you see, I noticed something too. Despite all the bravura, I never felt a slight form of achievement. It always felt as if something else was lacking, or something was amiss, misaligned.
In my earlier years, I started off with my dad’s Brownie Hawkeye, very simple actually. I took photos of the newly established ‘65 Rolex Submariner, the ‘67 Corvette, and even the Mustang. They wanted simpler things, but I just didn’t know what.
By then, I earned $10,000 a year. People would hire me to take photos of their weddings, birthday parties, and even reunions. But, one person asked me to take a photo of their barn, their farmland. That set me off.
I was so frustrated that time. I didn’t know how to set-up the place or even what to shoot. There is no glamour, just grit. Then again, he was paying me $3,000 to take photos of his farmland. I couldn’t do anything but to keep taking the photos. It was muddy that time because of the rains, but thank God I always brought my rubber anesthesiologist’s bag to keep the water out. It was, I thought, the worst photo shoot of my career. At one point, I almost gave up and didn’t care about the money, but then a part of me felt that if I had given up, it meant that I wasn’t a good photographer. Call it pride. I call it humility. So, I stayed, took as much photos, then parted from the farmland.
When I finally submitted my portfolio, my client, and even my mentor, were so amazed and were happier than ever. They saw something greater than the images and the art of commercial photography. They saw reality.
Well, of course the Photography class wasn’t the only thing I took. In order for me to be great, I had to take higher education. I studied in Boston University, Massachusetts. Let’s just put it this way, it was the best place for photography.
Even as a great photographer before, I never thought myself to be something more than just a great photographer. Sometimes, I wonder even if greatness can ever be planned at all. Like I said before, it all comes down to the element of time. And more than that, I always thought that in order to be someone great, I’d have to use something great, capture something great like the whole “in order to be the best, you’ve got to drive the best,” but that doesn’t define greatness, doesn’t it? It obviously is, something more. It’s more about the simplicity or rather the simple things in life. They carry within them something timeless and therefore more valuable.
Everything all dwells upon one element – the element of time. I may be redundant, but I’m trying to stress a point here not only for future photographers, but also for future aspirants. If I hadn’t taken the rugged photos of the barnyard, who knows, I wouldn’t have seen the extraordinary in the ordinary. My perspective has changed. The angle with which I see the world.
It’s not about the camera. It’s all about the photographer. And, above all, in order to overcome the element of time, you have to be the master of time.

Masters of Time

In writing, it’s quite obvious that the topic or the theme of the piece is related to the writer in any way. It’s a fact and a reality.
My hobbies are watchmaking and photography.
Maîtres du Temps is a newly established watch brand in French for “masters of time.” And, I associated this with photography, how the mastery of time can help one get to whatever he or she may want to be at, assuming of course that time can be controlled, but of course, reality steps in and all else fails.
David Doubilet is an underwater photographer, who takes photos for National Geographic. His father was a doctor, and he did use a Brownie Hawkey. Before he became an underwater photographer, he would just put his Hawkey inside his father’s rubber anesthesiologist’s bag.
I tried to put together three main concepts: simplicity, photography, and time. We use photography as a means to capture moments in time, and sometimes, the best subjects and themes in photography are the simple things in life – nature.
All of my written pieces have something to do with me. That’s where I get my inspiration. I’m a photographer myself, and I believe that the best things to capture in photography are the little things we seem to disregard and give little attention to.
I believe that in life, everything goes according to plan – God’s plan. There seems to be a purpose why Mr. Dy approved the IBDP topic for my research instead of Rolex. The IBDP was my main topic, and I related it to a Rolex watch, a crown for every achievement.
Somehow, I have written everything I have planned or intended to. All these topics and emotions just go on spontaneously. They don’t come instantly. They come at the right moment in time.

This Joyous Fairy Tale

Who knew that things would turn out this way? I mean like, that fourteen year-old boy was stalking me before, but I never knew that he’d stalk my cousin too. Oh, poor Juliet! I send her my condolences.
As a niece of the great rich Capulet, everyone was so pissed off and disappointed in me, if I may say, when I decided to go to the convent. Becoming a nun is quite common for us women, who are not able to get married by the age of twenty-one. Sadly, I was one of them. I broke out in tears that very day, but still, at least I will be in the service of God.
I know that Romeo is a charming suitor, expressing his love and all that for me. It was very amusing and even flattering, but he’s too young, five years my junior, and he’s too immature as well. He needs to grow up.
By the time I entered the convent, I did hear about the brawls concerning the house of Montague and my family’s Capulet, and I got worried. The fights just never seemed to stop. Two houses fighting over just a small conflict. Maybe that’s another reason why I decided to go into the convent, to deprive myself of the worldly riches of this world and live in peace and happiness.
I’ll be honest. My dear cousin Juliet, is truly fair and is a beautiful flower, and Romeo isn’t so bad himself. They’re both of the right age gap, and they both balance each other out, Romeo’s immaturity and Juliet’s maturity and all that, but I think that he just replaced me with my cousin. Isn’t that a little bit too rash and fickle of him. Was that like a way just to get back at me or something, to make me feel jealous?
You know, I was there in the act. They all focused on Romeo and Juliet as if they were the stars of an act, but they never noticed me.
It all started Sunday last, when the men of Montague and Capulet were fighting. Then, prince Escalus even threatened both houses that if they ever fight again, they would pay with their own lives. I believe that Paris wasn’t good for Juliet, and he will never be. They’re both weak. None of them could probably defend themselves.
When evening came, I was at the party of my uncle as well. Thank God! I was wearing a mask, so that stalker wasn’t able to recognize me, but then he lay his eyes on my cousin Juliet. Poor her.
They’re quite stupid, actually very stupid. They should never have gotten married. In addition, I don’t think that they ever felt the true meaning of love, especially for that Romeo Montague. He stalks me, then he stalks someone else all of a sudden. What’s up with that? I bet that if he had the chance, he’d even stalk my mother.
My uncle, on the other hand, is something else. He’s too desperate to restore their riches that he’d even give my cousin off to that Count Paris, who is no use. He may be rich, but he wouldn’t be able to regain his wealth after they spend all of their gold. If you’d like to know, the reason why my uncle needs a rich guy all of a sudden is because of their bankruptcy. They lost a lot of gold in a deal with a foreign merchant.
But, the worst part of the entire story is what happens on Thursday last, when the three of them had to do their scheming, with all the poison, potions, whatever. Friar Lawrence shouldn’t even have done that. Oh the sin he has caused everyone!
You know, being in the convent is very advantageous for a spy. I got to witness the entire action, and I didn’t even get noticed or caught. God is good!
Actually, Romeo isn’t stupid, but very dumb not to have suspected that dear Juliet wasn’t dead yet. It’s like he doesn’t even have any common sense in him. Next thing I heard, Romeo and Juliet were both dead.
Why do people act so stupidly? What can I do now? My dear cousin is dead. Two of my cousins! Maybe, the best thing to do is to pray for their everlasting rest. Maybe Friar Lawrence was right after all. The best thing for everyone is for both of them to be dead. Tybalt won’t be able to start any fights. Romeo and Juliet are in a better place now. They can love each other forever in peace. And, in addition, both houses are now friends. Everyone’s happy. Everyone wins.
Fate always gets its way. No matter what you do, there is always a plan. Just like what I said earlier. Who knew that I’d ever go to the convent in the first place. Only time will tell what will happen next, and only God can know whatever will happen.
Although, I’ve noticed how everything points and leads towards me. You see, the only reason that Romeo and Benvolio even went to my uncle’s party was in order to see me again. But then, since he didn’t see me, he saw Juliet instead. Fate brought these two people together, and now they are together in their everlasting rest.
What pisses me off right now is how he was really serious with Juliet. If he was that serious with me, who knows? I might have married him instead of going to the convent. Yes, I sometimes regret my decision to go to the convent. I do envy Juliet for having someone who would kill himself just for her. I now see why she would also kill herself for Romeo. I don’t blame her. But you know, without me, he wouldn’t even get to see Juliet in the first place.
Again, what can I do now? Five people are dead. It may be best if I remain in this convent to be of full service to the Lord. I have made my decision before, and I cannot take back my oath. I must stand by my decision. It is very immature of me to even regret my choices in the first place.
There are so many emotions running through my veins right now. Life may be difficult and challenging, but you know, life is good, and it must go on.
I have spoken too much, and revealed to many. Before I end, remember that I, fair Rosaline, witnessed it all. I am the reason for this joyous fairy tale.

Maîtres du Temps

A Lifelong Pursuit of Excellence

Daniel Paul Cheng Uy

Review on Global Frequency: Linked in a Global Frequency

Oftentimes, we are so blessed that we tend to forget how blessed we are.
Global Frequency is a science fiction American comic book, limited series, published by Wildstorm Productions, created and written by Warren Ellis. There are twelve issues in this comic, and the main characters are Miranda Zero and Aleph. Each comic is illustrated by different artists, and Global Frequency was nominated for “Best Limited Series” Eisner Award in 2004. In 2005, Mark Burnett prepared a television series on Global Frequency.

It is no surprise that Global Frequency was nominated for the Eisner Award in 2004, since the comic mainly showcases how we humans are capable of saving ourselves or protecting our own from the mayhem in our midst. We do not need any superpowers or supernatural capabilities. Global Frequency showcases how we alone can save ourselves, not obliged to superpowers, while most comics would normally show the need for superheroes to save the common population. In addition, the comic was able to have some diversity in the topics in each issue. Not all their “cases” or missions were exactly the same. They were able to show how each person from different parts of the world are able to help with something. And, not only did they show that everyone around the world has a part in our community, but how one single person or group of persons can affect how the future will go for us. In issue number nine, what happened in Osaka, Japan is an effect of our lack of self-discipline, how the doctors were so preoccupied with playing God. They played around with rituals, and stem cells, which we now use. While, in issue number three, “Invasive,” an alien invasion attacked earth through a computer program, and the one familiar with the program was able to stop it through an added equation to the program, which is our capacity to love and be loved.

As good as Global Frequency is, the twelves issues practically contain the same meaning behind the whole comic already, save for some issues such as issue numbers three and nine, which particularly concentrate on our lack of self-discipline and how special we are as human beings. All issues lead to the idea of we, being able to protect ourselves through a global frequency, but you have to read each issue to know the different lessons behind each. But, at least, they were able to have different topics and locations throughout the comic. Basically, after you’ve read one issue, you can get the idea of the Global Frequency. And, although they had different artists for each comic, the drawings of the main characters like Aleph and Miranda Zero are still quite identical, so no matter who drew it, they’d still look the same, so you wouldn’t get confused.

To sum it all up, Global Frequency is a great comic book, enabling one to realize how our actions as human beings can affect a large mass of people. Some may want to read “Demo” because it won more awards, but then Global Frequency has a really great message and truth behind the images. I’d recommend this comic to those comic lovers out there, especially to those who love superheroes like Superman or Spiderman. Reading Global Frequency will open your eyes to the reality we live in today. We can save ourselves as well. We can act on our own, without superheros or supernatural powers. We can do it ourselves. Besides, with internet and all the technology, in reality, we are practically linked in a global frequency.

Reflection on Global Frequency

Global FrequencyOften times, we are so blessed that we tend to forget how blessed we are, and seek other things instead.
I followed the advise of Mr. Dy. He said that who liked WE3 should read Global Frequency, so I did. Apparently, I did like Global Frequency as well. Global Frequency has twelve issues, so it’s quite long, but the theme is just the same for all of them. They show how people or humans can protect each other without any other supernatural powers but with our own skills and abilities. It shows how we humans can do something or accomplish a common goal if we just work together, a matter of cooperation and unity. We don’t even need special weapons or special superpowers. We are all humans, thus we are all the same. We are all connected in some way or another. All we need is a a connection, a Global Frequency.

From the twelve issues, I liked Issue number three and nine best. Issue number 3, “Invasive” is quite unique from all the other issues. “Aliens” attack through a computer program, which when people see would immediately turn into aliens themselves or would be compromised. And yet, the one person who was good with it, was the one who stopped the invasion. She knew the codes. She knew what to do. She lacked something, and that one thing that makes us humans special from others is our capacity to love, our relationships. That made me like Issue number three very much. We humans may be ordinary living things, created by God above all the rest of the creatures, but the one thing that sets us appart and puts us into a better advantage is our capacity to love and be loved.

Issue number nine is quite interesting as well. The story takes place in Osaka, Japan. Supposedly, the location was a hospital, but some research concerning stem cells broke out and caused an abomination. Well, the issue is, we are not supposed to play God in the first place. Although, I don’t agree much with what happened in the comic, since stem cells are being used nowadays in dermatology, surgery, and it is helping people recover quickly from diseases, injuries, and the like. But still, we are suposed to accept our faith, when it is our time, it is time, and that is the thing that we humans quite lack – self control. God gave us all these abilities, all the knowledge, and we become so greedy to take advantage and want to become like God.

Reflection on WE3

WE3From the beginning when Mr. Dy said that WE3 is more “cute,” I instantly chose WE3. I’m not the type of person who likes to watch bloody scenes or other gory stuff. “Pride of Baghdad” seemed kind of violent to me as what I saw in Christians copy, so I chose WE3. Actually, I liked WE3. It’s about a Scientist who develops a certain degree of “love” for her “pets” or experiments, who later leads to more massive killing, which defeats the whole purpose of the project, which is to prevent more bloodshed of our very own human beings. I did find the dog, the cat, and the bunny kind of cute, but when the armors were taken off, it was kind of a “turn-off” since there were wires and chords jutting out of their bodies. One may say that “WE3” is boring. It is so predictable and so on… But, WE3 has a deeper meaning to it. Maybe, some may think that “ah, oh well, animals will never truly be fully controllable.” But, it is not right. Animals or pets are just often misunderstood. They can understand us, and all we have to do is to understand them.

Oftentimes, people or characters are just misunderstood. If you have a classmate who disrespects you or says bad things about you, the problem might be something that you did previously, or maybe he or she is just plainly jealous of you. That is what happens between man and animal. We are often clouded by arrogance and pride to even think what the environment wants, or what do other living organisms want. We men were created to “fill the earth and subdue it.” We were created to fill the earth. The earth was not created for man only. We were created here with other living things in order to share a mutualistic relationship with each other, and yet, man has seemed to become selfish and hog everything to himself.
Look at the environment. We men destroyed this gift from God. We have taken the natural beauty for our own selves without even considering what the ecosystem or other living organisms would want to do with it. WE3 was an exaggeration of what is currently happening in our universe as we speak. It opened my eyes to what Mr. Eugene Quijano was talking about in class, how humans are so selfish, and we are observing the environmental awareness month this November to help solve the problem. The writers and artist kept the animals in WE3 quite close and realistic to their own original forms because when they speak or communicate with each other, they still use phrases or just words instead of complete comprehensive sentences, but then again, they have good comprehension to understand fellow animals and humans as well. They made the animals look as if they were real animals who can understand us human beings. They move and talk and think like animals themselves. The only thing that was changed was their ability to communicate with us. In WE3, man has did it again. They have programmed animals to do their own dirty work so that they would be living pleasant lives hiding behind bullet proof doors. Humans have programmed society or the environment to match their needs and their wants instead of fitting-in with others.
ARROGANCE. We are just like those humans. We make use of others. Instead of a mutualistic relationship, it has become into predation.

Freedom is a gift we all have. Remember that we humans are RATIONAL, RELATIONAL, AND FREE beings. We have the ability to think and decide for ourselves, and we are God’s superior creation. He created us above the rest. In WE3, freedom is more of a choice, but a choice made by man himself. Whatever happens outside is due to man’s own actions. ONE AFFECTING EVERYONE. Vicarious Atonement. Because of the freedom that Dr. Berry had, she was able to free her “pets,” but because of that, the government sent people to regain them, and so more people died. The pets on the other hand had “freedom,” but they were still programmed to defend themselves from any threats or attacks, making them incompletely free, just like how it is in reality. Man’s freedom is infinite on earth, while others’ freedom is constricted by man.

Reflection on Ares

AresAs I looked at the titles, “Astro City” reminded me of Astro Boy, so I didn’t choose that. Before I read “Ares,” I thought that I won’t like comics, since I never liked them before. But, as I read Ares, I got more and more enticed to read it, since there are a lot of books and movies these days on Greek gods such as “Percy Jackson.” And, I was wrong. I enjoyed the comic Ares very much. It teaches us a lesson about humility. At first, I thought, “Ahh, this will be boring! Greek gods and their problems…” But, as the story progresses, I saw something different – different conflicts and different problems. Because of “Ares,” I made a ym stat: “comics are awesome!” I never knew how great comics were, but I believe that some people would enjoy comics because of the pictures, drawings, the imagery. That makes comics quite easier to read than books, since when you read books, you still have to imagine the setting and how things would look like.

Usually, parents would keep secrets from their child, but as the child grows into his/her teens, he/she would already notice something fishy. That same set-up occurred in Ares, but in a different matter – Alexander gets kidnapped. In most cases, the child would always be attached to the mother instead of the father, but Alex was always attached to his father already. He idolized his father and even considers Ares his hero. Ares was not at fault for what he did, keeping those secrets from his son. What he did was right. Because of what he did, Alex isn’t arrogant like the gods. Of course he has his own arrogant side, but they’re kept to a minimal. Alex was just a child. He could’ve easily been kidnapped. For what he did to Zeus, it was not his fault at all. They, the people of Mikaboshi must’ve drugged him or something. He could have easily been compromised any other way, but because of how Ares raised his child, he was able to know right away that that was not his son. That was Mikaboshi in the flesh of Alexander.

Well, because of the influences of Ares – being rough and all that, Alexander caught the attention of Mikaboshi to be used against Olympus. Alexander was able to follow in the footsteps of his father, Ares, in such a way that he is very strong, and he knows his tactics in fighting. They converse and due to that, Ares knows his son quite well. That is how Ares was able to defeat Alexander in their match. A legacy is something handed down by a predecesor. In this case, not only is the title of being the “Son of Ares, the God of War” passed on to Alex, but his strength as well.

At first, the “legacy” that the people of Mikaboshi wanted Alexander to do was the killing of the fathers by the sons, but instead, the legacy is the strength, attitude, and characteristics of Ares that is passed down to Alexander.

I really liked Ares because I was able to realize how it is fitting for this month of November – the Environmental Awareness month. We are like the Olympian gods who are so arrogant and selfish that we think only of ourselves. Just look what we humans did to the environment. We made the environment adjust to our needs and likings when we humans were supposed to be the ones to adjust to the environment.

The Bermuda Triangle: Mystery or Not (Why planes and vessels mysteriously disappear in the Bermuda Triangle)

The Bermuda Triangle: Mystery or Not
Research-based Essay
Daniel Paul Cheng Uy 7-C #29
March 2, 2009

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said: “Wouldst thou,” so the helmsman answered, “Know the secret of the sea?” Only those who brave its dangers, Comprehend its mystery (“Bermuda” 5).” Life is a mystery. We human beings do not have all the answers to everything in the world. In life, there are many situations, happenings, and events that cannot be fully explained by any human being. While we live in this world today, do we really know everything? The answer is no, we don’t.

There are many mysteries that fascinate us, and one of the most well-known mysteries, beginning the 20th century, is that of the Bermuda Triangle. Why do planes and vessels mysteriously disappear in the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle? Do we really know why? Let us find out. The Bermuda Triangle has been a mystery since the early 1900s. Since then, the Bermuda Triangle has become a familiar name, a name known to all. There is a certain mystery whenever we hear the phrase, “The Bermuda Triangle.” Without any second thought, we already know what the three-word phrase is referring to.

Since I was a child, I have heard about the Bermuda Triangle, but I never really bothered to read or research whether it is really a mystery or not. Several movies, books, and cartoons (like Scooby Doo, and The Bermuda Triangle Solved) have been made about the Bermuda Triangle, but they all focused on the disappearance of ships due to strange reasons. Some media types focused on its being a “manufactured mystery.” Some experts have even cited UFOs, abductions, strange magnetic forces and other natural explanations (Julian).

I specifically chose this topic on the mysterious disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle to enable me to finally know the truth. What is the truth behind the mystery? Is it really because of all the hype about alien abduction, time warps or are there other outrageous reasons? Is it because of natural explanation or just plain stubbornness? In my research paper, I will first give a brief description of my topic. In the next part, I will enumerate the famous incidents that have occurred and the strange things that have been reported. I will also include the propositions and theories of experts and researchers. Finally, I will present my own hypothesis and conclude this research-based essay based on my findings and analysis.

What is the Bermuda Triangle? Where is the Bermuda Triangle located? Does it really exist? The Bermuda Triangle has been known as a place where several planes and vessels have gone missing. The Bermuda Triangle is said to form a triangular path. It is formed by an imaginary line drawn from a point near Melbourne, Florida, to Bermuda, to Puerto Rico, and back to Florida (“Bermuda” 1). Some call this the “Devil’s Triangle” or the “Hoodoo Sea” (Clark). It is an area off the southern coast of Florida where many ships and airplanes have disappeared mysteriously. Although disappearances have been reported, The World Book Encyclopedia states that “commercial and military aircraft cross this area safely every day.”

Although the experts and researchers have some knowledge on the Bermuda Triangle, they still do not have one single solution to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Most books and resources have stated that the location of the Bermuda Triangle is formed from Florida, to Bermuda, to Puerto Rico, and back to Florida (“Bermuda” 1). Some reference materials have stated that the Bermuda Triangle is bounded by Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and the tip of Florida. This latter location description was based on to the flight path that Flight 19 followed (Clark). In recent cases, the researchers believe that the coverage of the Bermuda Triangle is from the path of Florida, to Bermuda, to Puerto Rico and back to Florida. Even with just the simple parameter like the exact location of the Bermuda Triangle, experts do not have a uniform answer. After all these descriptions, does this mystery really exist?

Through the years, there were some incidents and reports on the Bermuda Triangle. The most famous incident was Flight 19, which was composed of five U.S. Navy Avenger torpedo-bombers. After setting off in good flying conditions that afternoon on a routine training mission from the Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station, the squadron vanished while flying over this area of sea during bad weather in the evening of 5 December 1945 (Dr. Karl). They were conducting a practice bombing at Hens and Chicken shoals 56 miles away, which was a triangular path specifically at Bermuda, Florida, and Puerto Rico. Flight 19 was composed of 14 men (students), except for Charles Taylor (flight instructor). At 2:10 P.M., Taylor had mistaken his squadron’s position and was led astray by the similarity in appearance between the Bahamas and Florida Keys (the island they should have been flying over). On April 3, 1946, the navy blamed Charles Taylor for wrong navigation and confusion. During the investigation, Charles’s mother threatened to get a lawyer and was furious. Hence, on November 19, the Board just announced that the disappearance of Flight 19 was due to “causes or reasons unknown” (Clark). The search party Mariner 49, or the “Martin Mariners” disappeared because it was known to emit dangerous fumes that could have ignited. In the case of the Avengers, “50 foot-high waves” probably chewed them up, but Charles Taylor was truly at fault (Julian).

Some other mysterious disappearances occurred in the Bermuda Triangle such as the Sulphur Queen in February 1963. The Sulphur Queen was supposed to contain molten sulphur, but they found wreckage which only included an oar, a board name “Arine Sulph,” and a life jacket. They concluded that Sulphur Queen could have gotten destroyed because of flammable cargo, or it could have sunk. Another ship disappeared in Miami Beach on December 1967, the “Witchcraft,” which was a 23-foot cabin cruiser (Clark). There were more than four hundred reports of disappearances. Some have truly disappeared while some may not have disappeared at all.

Most of the hypotheses or theories I have researched were quite misleading. These theories vary from wild, crazy explanations to natural explanations. From the list of theories, the following are more accurate. During some airplane flights, airplane pilots flying over these areas have reported malfunctioning gyros, dead radios, visual anomalies and even inexplicable time warps (Mystic). Some experts like Lawrence David Kusche made several conclusions. He concluded that the number of ships and aircraft reported missing in the area was not significantly greater, proportionally speaking, than in any other part of the ocean. He also said that in an area frequented by tropical storms, the number of disappearances that did occur were for the most part, neither disproportional, unlikely, nor mysterious; furthermore, Berlitz and other writers would often fail to mention such storms. He said that the numbers themselves had been exaggerated by “sloppy” research. A boat listed as missing would be reported, but its eventual (if belated) return to port may not be reported nor recorded. Some disappearances had, in fact, never happened.

One disappearance was said to have taken place in 1937 off Daytona Beach, Florida, in front of 100 witnesses, but a check on local papers recalled nothing (Clark). Some experts or researchers believed that the existence of methane hydrates was the real culprit. Methane hydrates, which are present in the sea sediments, can reduce the density of water and consequently enable any ship or vessel floating above water to sink to the bottom like a rock. In addition, this highly combustible gas could ignite aircraft engines and blow them into pieces. This theory, which was proposed by Dr. Ben Clenell in September 21, 1998, was later known as the “Ocean Flatulence Theory.” However, the public denied this (“Bermuda” 4).

Aside from the earlier explanations, a number of researchers believe that calamities like hurricanes, freak waves, gulf streams, and other natural calamities were also responsible for the disappearances or wreckage. In my perspective, human error is the most likely reason for the disappearances (Julian). This has been one of the most frequently supported explanation used by experts and researchers. In the Flight 19 incident, the main reason for the mechanical problem was the wrong navigation of their flight instructor, Charles Taylor. Even other students have proposed that it is the fault of Charles (Clark).

Experts have said several opposing statements against the popular but outrageous theories. Lawrence David Kusche and other serious researchers have exposed significant discrepancies between the popular reports of many additional Bermuda Triangle cases and the verifiable facts concerning them. The evidence is principally founded upon factual errors, misinterpretations and overt distortions of the facts behind the cited cases. Almost all the cases can be readily shown to have a perfectly natural explanation rather than an unnatural one. According to the records of the shipping insurers Lloyd’s, 428 vessels have been reported missing throughout the world since 1955, and it may be interesting to know that their intelligence service can find no evidence to support the claim that the Bermuda Triangle had more losses than elsewhere (Dr. Karl).

Other experts and researchers have a totally different and strange explanation, which in the end may be false since not all are backed up with proof. Some of the unscientific reasons include aliens, time warps, anomalous phenomena, dimension rip, and more (Julian). However, these are quite insane and unbelievable, and there is not much proof that supports these theories and insights. A writer, Art Ford, reported that he had interviewed a radio operator who had heard Taylor say something about aliens or things that come from outer space, but no records say of this. This implies that some writers say outrageous things, without any hard evidence. Other researchers even seized on “Other Intelligences” and UFOs (Clark).

There have been others who are known as “those who lived to tell,” people who have experienced and survived passing through the Bermuda Triangle. One of them is Bruce Gernon, Jr. On December 4, 1970, Bruce, together with his father, successfully flew from Andros Island, Bahamas to Palm beach, Florida. While Bruce experienced strange things like the clouds turning clockwise and the compass rotating counterclockwise, he arrived at Palm Beach after only 45 minutes and after burning 12 fewer gallons of fuel than usual. While the trip normally lasted for 75 minutes, he considered himself lucky to tell the journey through the Bermuda Triangle. He believed that he had experienced a time warp (Mystic).

Countless theories proposing how and why the Triangle exerts such a deadly power have been aired. These range from attacks by sea monsters, abductions by extraterrestrials or sub aquatic Atlanteans, and freak killer waves of gargantuan proportions, to sudden releases of methane bubbles from frozen lattices of ice on the sea bed, a black hole beneath the waves, geomagnetic anomalies, and a giant submerged crystal warping the space around its victims. All these theories were suggested by Charles Berlitz in his best seller “The Bermuda Triangle” (Dr. Karl). Some even identified magnetic variations (like the magnetic north versus the true north), but this proposal was not proven to be true. While some of these theories, hypotheses and insights may appear interesting and convincing, most are false since they do not have enough information and evidence to substantiate their theories. These theories can be very misleading and confusing even though they are from books. These theories are false just as Lawrence David Kusche said since the theories are due to “sloppy” research (Julian).

Through my research, human error and natural reasons are the most likely causes for the disappearances at the Bermuda Triangle. Several outrageous reasons have been written in books and the internet, and they say that these have not been proven to be true. Others may say that while the theory of magnetic north versus true north is probable, it has not been proven to be true as well. This is a very narrow corridor, tantamount to a fraction of the overall triangle. It also overlooks the fact that one cannot even plot a course without having a navigational chart, and all navigational charts have the amount of variation written on them for every degree of longitude. Before a navigator could chart a course, he would have to know the amount of variation. This also overlooks the fact that the large number of disappearances of pilots and captains were old hands in this part of the world, being charter pilots and the like. They were very familiar with local variation. It also presupposes that the navigator was unprofessional enough not to compensate. Yet compensation in navigating is second nature to any navigator (“Bermuda” 3).

I therefore conclude that there is no “real mystery” in the Bermuda Triangle. Planes and vessels mysteriously disappear in the Bermuda Triangle either because of human error or the fault of man, or because of natural reasons like the calamities, storms, hurricanes and other natural occurrences. The explanations of alien abduction, time warps, and even dimension rip are all false. I agree with some of the wiser researchers like Lawrence David Kusche who said that the “The Legend of the Bermuda Triangle is a manufactured mystery… perpetuated by writers who either purposely or unknowingly made use of misconceptions, faulty reasoning, and sensationalism” (Julian). This is quite reasonable because others claim certain hypothesis, but they do not have hard evidence to support them, and others have reported missing vessels which have not, in fact, disappeared.

In conclusion, there is no “real mystery” in the Bermuda Triangle; it is simply just a mystery that other people may just create from their wild imaginations for entertainment. The general public, together with the experts, do not even have a uniform knowledge on the exact location of the Bermuda Triangle. In fact, the location varies with the incidents that have occurred. One insight I gathered from this research paper is that not everything people say may be true or accurate. People sometimes say things, which are not substantiated by evidence. We, as readers and researchers, should be critical of false information, and we should use our discernment to evaluate the veracity of statements. Lastly, not everything can be explained by man; hence, he comes up with conjectures or theories. In spite of man’s superiority in technology, man’s knowledge is still limited or finite. Just like Christian faith, we do not need explanations for everything in this world. The beauty of every mystery is the not knowing, which leads us to a never-ending journey of questions that may become a vicious cycle and eventually lead us back to the same mystery.

God created our world with mysteries and secrets, which have no definite answers, and they are better left alone as is. Our very existence is also a mystery. Indeed, life is a mystery.